This example iterates over all SDOs and visually represents possible relationships of each SDO to another. Visual representations can simplify understanding and are often easier to interpret than text alone. All graphs were created with Graphviz. To download the Graphviz files go here.

Overview of All Relationships

The graphic below shows how each SDO fits in the overall SDO ecosystem with regard to its possible relationships.

Note: Report and Observed Data do not have any relationships.


SDO Relationships

Click the SDO in the table you wish to view.

Attack Pattern Campaign Course of Action
Grouping Identity Indicator
Infrastructure Intrusion Set Location
Malware Malware Analysis Note
Observed Data Opinion Report
Threat Actor Tool Vulnerability
Attack Pattern Campaign Course of Action Grouping Identify Indicator Infrastructure Intrusion Set Location Malware Malware Analysis Note Observed Data Opinion Report Threat Actor Tool Vulnerability

Graphviz DOT FilesGraphviz PNG Files